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I can’t imagine life without having worked with Carolyn to train my dog, Ollie. She helped make sure Ollie was well behaved both on leash and off. We started with a series of weekly Zoom meetings to practice leash skills before moving to in-person classes to practice off-leash skills. Carolyn would leave us with things to practice during the week and followup with an article that provided extra information in writing. Then the next week, we’d demonstrate how well the new skills were coming, she’d offer feedback, and then we’d move on to the next body of skills. By the end of the classes, I felt comfortable taking Ollie to the park for hikes or the beach for walks. I lean on her training and email advice when tackling new skills like heeling alongside the bike. And to say one more thing: she is developing a very strong community of well behaved off leash dogs that meet regularly for group walks and dog to dog socializing. I never imagined this is the training or community I would leave with when engaging Carolyn for training. I simply wanted a dog that wouldn’t jump on visitors, now I have a dog that I can confidently take on trips and out to lunch. I’m forever grateful!

-Rachel LeRoy