Success Stories

Here are what a few of our clients have to say about their training experiences with dog trainer Carolyn Weinbaum.

Letter of Recommendation

I am writing this on behalf of Carolyn Weinbaum, whom I have known for the last seventeen years. While employed at the Audubon Institute she...
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Cesare hasn’t jumped since before his accident a few years ago. I have had to carry stairs in my SUV so that he can get...
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To all who will have the opportunity to meet Carolyn and be part of the Developing Canine family you will certainly be impressed by the...
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Carolyn helped save our rescue dog from being returned due to her bad habits. I cannot recommend her more highly! -Lesley Allen Erickson
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Carolyn is such a wonderful trainer! I was at my wits end with my puppy when we found The Developing Canine, and thank goodness we...
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Carolyn completely transformed my dog! She listens so much better, is much more behaved, and walking her is no longer a chore (it’s actually fun,...
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Carolyn is excellent in training dogs – she helped me tremendously with my Golden and has made owning Rosie a much more enjoyable experience.  I...
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My husband and I have been using The Developing Canine with our 1.5 year old lab/boxer mix for the last 6+ months! Carolyn has been...
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Carolyn has been such an incredible resource for us while my boyfriend, Brian, and I have been training our dog, River. We knew once we...
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This handsome boy turned 2 a couple of weeks ago. He is a perfect gentleman in every way! He is calm, waits patiently at doors...
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Merry “Joy” Smith joined our family on Christmas morning 2021.  In preparation for Joy joining our family I read two Zak George books and watched...
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Best dog trainer around! Our dog used to pull me down on walks, but not anymore! It’s wonderful to have a well-trained furry best friend!~Lauren...
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My little lady Ren is on her 2nd session and doing very well! Her on leash skills are significantly better than before and she loves...
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I think that deciding to go to the Developing Canine was one of the best decisions I made regarding my dog. I recommend Carolyn all...
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Carolyn has been just wonderful with me and my pup, Aubrey. She helped me understand how to communicate better  and understand Aubrey’s language. Before, working with Carolyn...
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I cannot put into words how much Carolyn and her program have changed our lives. From her foundations classes to her in-resident programs and her...
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The Developing Canine is an outstanding dog training facility, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results I achieved with my Australian shepherd. Carolyn,...
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Ajax and Molly

I met Carolyn nearly 12 years ago when looking for a dog trainer. I feel very fortunate to have found a trainer that is professional,...
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I can’t imagine life without having worked with Carolyn to train my dog, Ollie. She helped make sure Ollie was well behaved both on leash...
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We adopted our pup in March of 2023 from her previous owner. We were warned that she was fence reactive and she had never been...
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Sassy was becoming more aggressive each day. Carolyn helped Sassy learn to respect our boundaries. She is no longer aggressive and has accepted that we...
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Before training with Carolyn, we could not control Kasey. Now that we’ve all learned the commands, Kasey is eager to please us and we are...
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I had tried to house training Coco for 8 months unsuccessfully. Finally, at my vets suggestion, I called Carolyn. Her detailed instructions worked. This is...
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Tinkerbell is so much better behaved now, thanks to you and your class. Jim and I appreciate your enthusiasm, knowledge and people skills. You run...
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We moved to Los Angeles and Hunter is doing very well. He’s been acting! He was just cast in the Warner Brothers film “Shiloh 3”....
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Dear Caroline,I wanted to email you to let you know how much I appreciate you and all that you have taught, not only Tito, but...
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Dudley & Trudy

When I called Carolyn Morris about our two Jack Russell Terriers, I was at a loss to explain just how poorly behaved they were. We...
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We sought out Carolyn because our Rhodesian Ridgeback, Clyde, was an extremely anxious dog and consequently aggressive towards other dogs. We tried several conventional group...
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Trixie & Millie

Trixie’s bags were all but packed when I called Carolyn. This terrier puppy had been with us for five months and it really wasn’t working...
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I was verging on desperate when I finally decided that my husband, Adam, and I needed to seek some additional outside help with Ranger, our...
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Dr. Linda Walker

Dear Carolyn:  I am writing to tell you how very grateful we are for the training instruction our 3 puppies have had to date.  As...
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ChaCha is a very strong willed german shorthair pointer. We got her soon after losing our 12 year old GSP, Nike. We had forgotten how...
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When I called Carolyn I had almost given up on ever training my one year old cockapoo, Macie to behave. She was so high spirited...
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Carolyn, I just wanted to let you know that I have gotten several compliments lately on how well Bailey is behaved! JJ just finished Ranger...
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Wendy Conaway

I would like to recommend the services of Carolyn Morris. We have sent many of our patients to her canine obedience classes and have been...
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Dorothy and Gracie Shipman

I wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge and sincere love of animals with myself and gracie. She is a big part of our...
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How to describe the miraculous changes you have worked on my Roxie? This cute 13-month old who stole my heart on the PAWS website was...
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Toni Merren

Carolyn is AMAZING!! I love the tools she has given me in only 2 sessions!! I can’t wait to learn more so I can help...
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Hunter Beless

Carolyn helped me to love my dog again. Our decision to do the off leash program was an investment we will never regret. Walking away...
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I highly recommend Carolyn with the Developing Canine. She is extremely patient and experienced in her field.  She helped us train our new dog, Roxy,...
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Carolyn has gone ABOVE AND BEYOND for me and my stubborn puppy Hank. When I first emailed her about training I was hiding behind an...
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I can not recommend Carolyn and The Developing Canine enough!  We have a VERY active, high-drive german shepherd who wanted to be the boss.  We...
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Cannot recommend the developing canine enough if you’re in need of training for your dog. We worked with Carolyn doing the on leash and off...
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