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We adopted our pup in March of 2023 from her previous owner. We were warned that she was fence reactive and she had never been on leash before. We quickly realized we needed help when she constantly pulled while on leash, was very reactive to other animals while on leash, and had a very strong and high prey drive. We started the on-leash training with Carolyn at The Developing Canine Behavior and Training in May of 2023. With such great success with the on-leash training we moved to the off-leash training in August of 2023. She has blossomed into a confident and well mannered pup. She listens extremely well and is more neutral than reactive. We continue to work with our pup daily as it is a work in progress. We couldn’t have gotten where we are now with out Carolyn’s guidance and expertise! She always answer questions that come up even after our sessions were over. She offers group dog walks that have been instrumental with training. We cannot thank Carolyn enough for her care, direction, and knowledge. We cannot recommend her enough! 100/10!!

-Amber Camp