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Dudley & Trudy

When I called Carolyn Morris about our two Jack Russell Terriers, I was at a loss to explain just how poorly behaved they were. We got Dudley as a puppy, so he had spent his nine years with very few changes, inside about three acres contained by a Dog Watch e-fence. We adopted Trudy from a breeder, so for six years she lived in a kennel with several other females and had delivered several litters of puppies. After her last litter she had become aggressive towards the other females, and so had to be given away.

We brought her home and she adjusted quickly to the many changes in her life, including walking on grass, coming inside the house, walking on wooden floors or even carpet. Everything was new to her, but she eagerly sorted everything out. Everything except a neighbor’s JRT, a neutered male who she immediately set upon and would even watch for him to come into our yard so she could keep him away as far as possible.

Carolyn showed me how to train them for basic good behavior in their daily routines, but also watched them when other dogs were around and made several suggestions as to how we could stop the aggression and tension it caused. Now we have no displays of aggression and everyone gets along beautifully.

I have know other trainers, but when I saw what Carolyn did for our dogs in such a short time, I couldn’t believe it. She is an outstanding dog trainer, but she also sees the animal inside and relates to each one personally. I cannot tell you more than to say she is the most skilled trainer I have ever known.

Cynthia Wolford
Pine Mountain, GA