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This handsome boy turned 2 a couple of weeks ago. He is a perfect gentleman in every way! He is calm, waits patiently at doors and gates, sits, walks appropriately both on leash and off, comes on command. He is simply fun to be around!

However, NONE of the above was true before we met Carolyn and The Developing Canine!! I reached out to Carolyn about a year ago. This was after Benning (while on leash) suddenly pulled away from me to chase a firetruck as it drove past my house. He bounced off the back tire, broke his leg, had surgery to put in a plate and screws, then spent the next 8 weeks on crate confinement! As you can see, we clearly needed help and Carolyn came to our rescue!!

I believe we may have been one her first clients to participate in her On-Leash Training via Zoom last August.   At first, I may have doubted Zoom training would be effective in our case, but THE CLASSES WERE WONDERFUL-SO DON’T HESITATE TO TAKE A ZOOM CLASS! It was like having her in our home for training- she could see our space, help us with the proper technique and guide our practice.  She allowed plenty of time for each class; I never felt like we were rushed. Carolyn was so patient with me and the dog! (As she said to me one day, “I’m training you to train the dog!) Her work far exceeded any expectations that I may have had. She taught us things that I had not even thought about.

Carolyn tailors the classes for individual needs. Safety with my grandchildren was one of my concerns; so, for one class she suggested I invite my grandson to attend in order to observe Benning’s interaction with him and offer suggestions. I am happy to report that today my 4 and 8-year-old grands both adore “Benni” AND the feeling is mutual! He is so gentle and sweet with them!

Upon completion of the On-Leash classes, Benning immediately went into the Residency program where Carolyn works one-on-one in her home with the dog. His skills were elevated to the next level!! In fact, his behavior is better than I ever imagined it could be. His behavior goes so far beyond basic obedience that it is hard to put into words- but this training forever changed the relationship/bond I have with my dog and I am very grateful!!                                                                     

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND The Developing Canine and cannot say enough about good things Carolyn.

~Judy Heider