Puppy Consultation

Expert Puppy Training for a Lifetime of Good Behavior

Our Puppy Consultation service is ideal for puppies between the ages of 7 and 12 weeks. At this critical developmental stage puppies are like sponges absorbing everything around them. This period presents a golden opportunity to shape their behavior and learning habits, including crucial aspects like house training, play biting, and proper socialization. Contact Carolyn and start building a strong foundation for a harmonious relationship between you and your canine companion.

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Successful Puppy Training

Training your puppy can be challenging, but I’m here to help. From house training and managing biting to reducing separation anxiety, my personalized programs ensure your puppy grows into a well-behaved companion.

House Training

Many puppies have trouble with house training, causing frequent accidents. Personalized training establishes a consistent routine and reinforces positive behaviors, ensuring your puppy learns quickly and effectively. This approach saves you time and money on cleaning supplies and creates a happier home.

Biting and Chewing

Puppies often bite and chew on anything they can find, including hands and furniture. If you’re spending money replacing items and dealing with injuries, we can help! Our training teaches acceptable chewing behaviors and prevents damage and injury to both your belongings and yourself.

Confidence Building

Bonding with your puppy is crucial, but avoid over-attachment to prevent separation anxiety. Boosting your puppy’s confidence in both you and themselves fosters better behavior and resilience to stress, ensuring a happier, well-adjusted pet.