Online Learning

Personalized Coaching and Convenient Learning from Anywhere

Is your dog shy or reactive, do you find it difficult to make it to in-person training class? Remote dog training offers convenience and flexibility, allowing you to train from home and fit sessions into your busy schedule and allow your dog to learn in a non-distracting environment.  Carolyn will tailor your lessons based on your dog’s living environment.

You’ll learn the whys and how to teach the skills, then Carolyn will watch and coach you through teaching the skill to your dog. With ongoing support through written materials and video demonstrations, dog training was never so convenient or relaxing.

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Online Dog Training

In today’s digital age, dog owners have ample resources for training and nurturing their furry friends. Online dog coaching is a popular, effective method for addressing behavioral issues, teaching obedience, and enhancing pet-owner bonds. Virtual sessions, personalized plans, and expert guidance offer flexible solutions for busy pet parents.

Convenient Access

On-line learning offers unparalleled convenience, allowing participation from home or any suitable location, fitting easily into busy routines.

Personalized Attention

Virtual coaching provides tailored sessions focused on your specific training objectives, ensuring consistent and effective learning with real-time feedback.

Professional Guidance

Benefit from the expertise of a professional coach, enhancing your progress through regular sessions and effective behavior modification.