Foundation Program

Transform Your Dog’s Behavior and Strengthen Your Bond

Dogs thrive when they have a good leader. The Foundation program will give you the knowledge and skills to set clear boundaries and expectations, helping your dog understand their role in the family, resulting in better behavior, reduced anxiety, and a stronger bond with their people.

In the Foundation program, together we teach your dog the essential skills of walking nicely on leash, sit and down, coming when called, relaxation techniques, door manners, place, potty and crate training, preventing playful biting and jumping and accepting gentle handling. All skills necessary for a relaxed and happy life with your pal.

Get Started

Comprehensive Dog Training

Training your dog involves teaching them a range of skills that ensure they are well-behaved, safe, and happy. By focusing on key areas, you can create a structured and positive environment for both you and your pet. The Foundation program will cover everything from basic commands to establishing safe spaces and promoting proper behavior.

Basic Commands

Essential commands like Sit, Down, Recall, and Walk Nicely to ensure your dog is well-behaved and obedient.

House Manners

Teaching clear boundaries and rules creates a harmonious, relaxed environment. No more conflict and stress.

Safe Spaces

Utilize Crate Training and Place training to provide your dog with secure areas to retreat and relax when needed.

Proper Behavior

Develop Bite Inhibition, Leadership, and Handling Skills to promote good behavior, safety, and a trusting relationship with your dog.